As We Know It.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Public Laundry

"Behind every successful woman... is a basket of dirty laundry."

There's nothing worst then seeing your dirty laundry pile up into a mound of clothes in the corner of your room. This means you have to heave it all the way down to the first floor (in my case), and publicly display the fact that you have dirty underwear, that you need to be cleaned.

Maybe I'm being too square but the fact that there was about 200 hundred taken washers in the laundry room, makes me want to take a trip down at midnight to do the deed. Everyone has to do it, but what makes the cherry on top of the beautiful triple chocolate cake... is when you come down to find your favorite pair of silk undies plastered to the window of the dryer, for the whole building to see. 

After I've put my clothes into the wash, I am a nervous wreck the whole time, setting timers, looking back to see when my clothes will be done... and so on. I guess I'm just remembering a laundry nightmare that could have happened in another life.

And that one missing sock! Where on earth did it go? From moving it from the wash, to the dryer... it couldn't have just got up and left. There is always a case of washers EATING the match to a white Hanes sock.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Websters Dictionary defines "Friend" as follows:


 noun \ˈfrend\
a : one attached to another by affection or esteemb : acquaintance

Lately, living in a far place from home.. I've thought a lot about friendship. Making new friends isn't easy. You find yourself comparing your newly made friends to the friends that you've had forever. 
In cases like these, you find yourself making friends for the hell of it. Sometimes you come out with good ones, bad ones, and dare I say ugly ones. The strange thing about making friends is that you will never find ones that are like your old. Ever heard of the saying "Make new friends, but keep the old... one is silver and the others gold" ? 

In the end.. you tend to categorize your newly made friends:
1. The Party Girl Friend: she is always up to have a good time. You bring the alcohol, she'll supply the cups, etc.
2. The School Friend: she is the greatest friend you have met so far. Reliable, sensible and has funny jokes. 
3. The Tag Along Friend: shes energetic and fun, but gets to be tiring. You feel like her little sidekick but no one knows your name.
4. The Awkward Friend: A friend you feel like you have to pay attention to. You run out of topics to talk about and when you do talk its very awkward and forced. You find yourself commenting on the weather... Yes the weather... as in "Its so cold out!" - "OMG I know..."
5. The Popular Friend: The catty friend that does nothing but talk about what boy she went home with on the weekend. You go out every once in a while but she drags you to her popular friends houses and you find yourself awkward and unnoticed. You sit on the couch pretending to laugh at their jokes, re apply your lipstick 200 times, or even slip out the front door hastily. 
6. The Annoying Friend: The friend you secretly talk about behind her back (bad I know, It happens) but you continue the friendship anyway.